Today I wanna share with you a tip on how to configure the Airport Express to create a NATted network and share the same public IP through all the computers connected to the LAN.
In this way you can have a bit of more security toward the outside computers on the internet.
The creation of a local area network is really easy using the Airport Express, and if you want to use it to connect just a computer to internet through a modem it is straight forward:
- connect the modem to the rear WAN port of the Airport
- connect your RJ45 cable to the Airport switch or go wireless
- turn on the Airport and it will perform all the adjustment to find the internet connection and configure it as a bridge for connecting the computer to the internet.
In this way each computer (configured in DHCP) will have an IP assigned by the router.
To create the NATted network with the Airport Extreme and hide your computers from the outside internet network open the Utility Airport on your Mac or Windows Machine and go to the Internet tab and select “Share a public IP address” from the “Connection sharing” combo like in figure below.
In this way the Airport Express will assign the IPs to the connected computers and outside the network will be seen as a single connected computer, hiding the others.